Execuinsight Events

We want to celebrate our differences and the uniqueness each and every person brings to this World. It’s a time to remember that we are ONE and we are here on this Earth to positively contribute in some way. We each should have the opportunity to bring our whole selves to every element of our lives, to be at our best and help to make this World a better place.
It is important that we each do what we can to create a more inclusive World whether that is in your work place, in your community, in other communities or countries in need, or just in your own home. Taking action can be difficult. It can be just a small step like saying “hello” to a person that is of a different race or a person that may live very differently than you. Or, it can be as big as traveling to assist in rebuilding after a devastating volcano or hurricane event. Whatever you chose to do, whatever fits your work & life style, is what is best. There are no rule books except to remember that we are all human beings who have been placed on this planet to do the best that we can with what we are given. If you need some ideas on what you can do to promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion during the month of October and beyond, check out this Global Diversity Awareness Guide published by the Diversity Movement (Oct. 2021).
Let us know of the steps you are taking to promote inclusion in your World by posting your story to our ExecuInsight facebook page https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=execuinsight%2C%20llc or to our Linkedin page https://www.linkedin.com/company/execuinsight-llc/posts/?feedView=all&viewAsMember=true.
We will be interviewing and doing stories each week highlighting people who are taking small and large steps to unite all!
What is the next step in my career? This is the question asked by many. ExecuInsight coaches have the experience and tools to help you determine your next step whether you are a college student working to figure out your path, early/midway in your career and looking for more fulfillment, or if you are focused on what to do in the second-half of your life. We can help you to figure out where your passions lie.
We focus on how to get the highest level of performance from your executive team, board of directors or the team that reports to you. We offer training tools that will maximize your group’s ability to interact and achieve a heightened level of productivity and effectiveness.
Gain the Business Insight that top Executives have to offer to send your business and personal life soaring through positive, healthy approaches and techniques.
Mission: To help individuals and companies to achieve higher levels of success in all facets of business performance with a focus on creating a positive, healthy life style for all.
Michele Hanson formed ExecuInsight LLC to address today’s ever-changing and demanding business and life environment and how you can experience total success in each. It is critical to understand how to effectively promote yourself and/or your organization through positive techniques that incorporate a holistic approach. ExecuInsight can provide you and your team with insights, coaching, strategies, training and solutions that will take your career, your business, and you to the next level.
ExecuInsight LLC taps into the minds and expertise of executives and top tier trainers / coaches who have vast levels of experience. Their goal is to help you see success.
Would you like to learn more about what we do and how we can help your company capitalize on opportunities and avoid pitfalls along your accelerated path to success?
Then contact ExecuInsight LLC at:
Executive Level Insights
At ExecuInsight LLC we are saddened by the on-going & current displays of racism in our Country and we stand by all Black people to make systemic change so that never again will our Black Sisters and Brothers feel marginalized or in fear of their lives. We are taking swift action to help to pass new legislation to protect Black people’s rights, to elect diverse candidates to leadership roles, and to create community oversite boards. In our neighborhoods, we are working to inspire positivity in others and to assist our neighbors with hopeful messages.
We are forming Citizen Talking Circles to address the topic of race. And, in the work environment, we are challenging our clients to expand their inclusion efforts and to have on-going conversations around race and bias. We are in this for the long haul and we will not stop until the Black people of this Country are treated with equity in all aspects of life.